Fuldìr Lir

Valley of the Vuldir

The Fuldìr Lir is a vast unplundered wilderness of unclaimed (or nonclaimable) forests, steppe, and highlands boasting natural resources unlike any available in Lyrast since the First Migration. While Yrūn have made in-roads into the Fuldìr Lir over the Ages, few if any have lasted. Winters bring arctic cold and snow down from the Mar Odimis, and bury much of the Fuldìr Lir for six months of the year. During this long season, most Yrūn leave for warmer regions (e.g., Broken Coast, Cadìrili Coast) to trade furs, minerals, and other goods. Come mid-Spring the roads to Ebàyan are again choked with hunters, trappers, and prospectors seeking their fortunes in northern Lyrast.

Regions, Geographic

  • Bay of Sōlor
  • Indàkir

Regions, Political

Cities, Towns, and Villages

  • Town of Ebàyan


