City of Emperors
“My first impression upon seeing the southern shore, was that in the Elder Ages an army of Jōtùnyr Hàvor marched from the sea and were slain upon the beaches. By what, I could not fathom. But there must have been a great migration of crows and hyenas, from every corner of Tassèrus to take part in a Feast of Centuries. Scavengers and their countless offspring could live, breed, and die upon the corpses for hundreds of years. When the last bone was picked clean and the beasts turned on each other, all that remained were the bones of the great army, forever reaching to the southern sky. The only problem with this story is that it never happened. As the ships dared closer to the savage coast, the bones revealed themselves as the ruined columns and arches of a city that fell long ago. Even in their derelict state, the majesty of the ancient city was evident to all that gazed upon them. Here once stood eternal Cæjìdarēa, City of Emperors, and a testament to the transience of empires. Would that every king and queen could look upon the ruins and bow before the conqueror Time.”
Here once stood a great city that outshone all other Yrūn creations. The city was brought down by the unrelenting winds, sea, and the barbaric Ortor. Today all that remains of Cæjìdarēa are a shoreline of broken columns and crumbled stone walls standing stubbornly amid the breaking waves.