
The Second Sphere

Outside the Sphere of Life exists the Sphere of Moons. The same scholars that seek to include the inner planet(s) into the Sphere of Life, often see the Sphere of Moons as an unnecessary theoretical construction to validate antiquated theories regarding the Zarátam. These viewpoints are not common outside the halls of Panæð and other learned institutions. The Second Sphere was first questioned following the discovery of two moons around the third (fourth) planet. Regardless, the only bodies that belong to the Second Sphere are the moons of Teréth End (e.g., Nūlēun, Wōd, and Mamra).

For ages, the people of Teréth End have charted the three moons’ movements across the night sky. The importance of these moons and their impact on the lives of those on the world below cannot be understated. From the measuring of months and years, to the warping of battlefield magics, each of the three moons have played important roles in history.

The moons of Teréth End are ordered smallest to largest, nearest to farthest respectively. During a True Convergence, the smaller moons cast shadows on their larger siblings. Although each moon of Teréth End moves along a different orbital plane, the paths intersect at polar tangents called the Eyes of Zarátam. These paths define the Second Sphere.


Convergence occurs when more than moon appears full in the sky. There are four types of convergence:

  • False Convergence. The most common convergence occurs when Wōd and Mamra appear, but only one is full.
  • Convergence of Wōd. The next most common convergence occurs when both Wōd and Mamra are full.
  • Convergence of Nūlēun. This occurs when both Nūlēun and Wōd are full. This marks the coming of Spring and the new year.
  • True Convergence The least common convergence occurs when all three moons are full at once. This marks the beginning and end of a forty year cycle and is associated with momentous (sometimes catastrophic) events. During a True Convergence, Wōd‘s shadow can be seen on the face of Mamra and Nūlēun‘s shadow can be seen on the face of Wōd.