Child of the Sun

Ældrūan 5-17, 652 DR: Mishara Mythdaras begins his journey to find Illydphryl Nyllyraz in the Nehkrul City Under Stone. Wandering through the Nar Drūden. Skirting the domain of the Shūl Ūlut. The ancient guardian of a sacred site. Gathering a company in the port Town of Avàhrlyn. Striking northward into the Grim Drūden. Mishara succumbs to the trickery of monstrous Ezrèle. The group fends off carrion eaters to save a mysterious ivory-skinned Eylfāe.

Continued from A Long Awaited Day.

Wōdìndor, 5 Ældrūan 652

Alone in the woods along a familiar stretch between the Two Brothers and the Yrūn Town of Loston, Mishara Mythdaras shivered as he walked. It had been sometime since the Eylfāe had traveled alone and it felt good to be back among the trees and the unpaved earth, even if the route was a wagon-rutted road. In three complete turns of the blue moon he hoped to return to Oð with a successful journey behind him. These were things he thought about as he moved north through the Nar Drūden but all that was laid before him now.

By midday, Mishara entered the Town of Loston, a large Yrūn settlement upon the eastern shore of the woodland lake, Nulàrya Lūn. There weren’t quite as many people on the roads that passed between the plowed and hedged fields, for the harvests were finished and the people were settling-in for Seasonsrest. Mishara found a small store and purchased a heavy traveling cloak, some wool clothes, and a few rations before continuing on his journey. Exiting the town, he opted to leave the Yrūn roads, venturing instead into the protective confines of the old forest.

The Anàhlāryn moved swiftly through the cold and leaf-fallen wood, stopping briefly at stream sides and hilltops to gather his bearings.

Iyldor, 6 Ældrūan 652

Traveling through the Nar Drūden.

Irídor, 7 Ældrūan 652

On the third day of his travels, the trees grew more sparse and tall weeds grew in the spaces where sunlight touched the forest floor. Beyond the trees, he reached edge of the Scarred Wastes, a tortured lifeless land that bordered the northern bay. The bay and the river that fed it separated Yrūn and Eylfāe lands. Mishara chose to avoid the Wastes, skirting its border to the south and west.

Roydor, 8 Ældrūan 652

By the end of the next day, the immortal traveler rested in the high limbs of a ancient tree overlooking a strange Yrūn village on the western edge of the Scarred Wastes.

Sūdìdor, 9 Ældrūan 652

The Town of Avàhrlyn came into view through the morning fog, sitting on the opposite shore of the wide Telàbra Run. Mishara thought better of attempting to cross the deep waters, and continued west to find the ford or bridge that his memory described. By the day’s end, he reached the Run Eldgoð, a major tributary that fed the Telàbra from the south. Disappointed by this setback in his journey he prepared the night’s camp. Across the plains he could see the outlines of three Shūl Ūlut. He couldn’t be sure that they saw him, but rested warily that night.

Talídor, 10 Ældrūan 652

The next day he followed the banks of the Eldgoð shore along the western border of the Telàbra Plain. He stopped briefly in the late morning to examine half-buried Yrūn ruins of war. After a long examination he determined that the bladed machine must have been used to mow enemy troops upon the plain. Leaving the artifact he continued through a scarred and ancient landscape until he met a Nehkrùli guardian standing along the river’s shore. He learned from the sentinel that the area on which he stood was sacred to the Eylfāe, for a battle had occurred here and many Eylfāe had shed their blood and lives. The Nehkrùlyn introduced himself as the sixth guardian of Cladð Eldgoð. He told Mishara that to reach the Town of Avàhrlyn he should returned to the far shore of the Run Telàbra and set a fire. In time, someone would arrive to ferry him across.

Padídor, 11 Ældrūan 652

On the night of the seventh day, Mishara made a signal fire along the south shore of the Run Telàbra. Within hours, an Yrūn boat rowed into view and for a few aurad agreed to carry the Eylfāe across the mouth of the bay. Arriving at the docks, Mishara climbed from the boat and sought out the comforts of the Ðeswùr Scarádaril he’d visited early in Drûr. Within the warmth of that place he spoke with other Anàhlāryr about his intentions to travel to the City of Nazhàlað. One said he would spread word that Mishara is seeking companions for the trip.

Bærídor, 12 Ældrūan 652

The next morning, Mishara awoke to find his cloaks were missing. Furthermore, a corded necklace of silver and polished black stone hung about his neck. Although he tried the necklace would not be removed. Frustrated and worried at how this had come to pass, he gathered his things, took an inventory of his items, and headed toward the door. Reaching for the handle he was startled by a weight landing on his back and then fading as abruptly. He heard the whispered word, “Hello” as a long black cloak fell from his shoulders, anchored to the medallion necklace. He spoke with the voice for sometime and learned that it was coming from the cloak. The cloak introduced itself as “Nessus” and explained that it was heading north too. Resigning himself to the cloak’s “company”, Mishara left the inn. Stepping into the cold outdoors, the cloak billowed out from behind him letting the cold air in. Mishara would learn well in the days to come, how much Nessus liked to billow.

Virídor, 13 Ældrūan 652

Returning the next morning, Mishara found a Grūmun standing outside the Ðeswur. The large female creature made the otherwise normal doorway seem miniature in comparison. The Grūmun asked him if his name was “Misha” (the name she’d given last night). When he assented, the Grūmun explained that she was White-eye and that she wished for company on the journey to Nazhàlað as well. Furthermore, she added, another Eylfāe wished to join them and would be along shortly. Mishara agreed to this and left the hairy Ogdar outside as he retreated once again into the warm confines of the Ðeswur. Inside, he was met by Illàrzur Sùlvynnar, a Nehkrul swordsman, a welcomed addition to most journeys. Soon, the third Eylfāe had arrived, an elder Anàhlāryn who introduced himself as Cadàlya Asmural. The ancient Eylfāe bore himself about with the aid of a heavy staff dangling with baubles and faded feathers, while a sword rested across his back.

With everyone assembled, White-eye hefted a giant parcel onto her back and the five left the Town of Avàhrlyn. Walking north, the group were soon hiking amid the giant trees of the august Grim Drūden.

Palídor, 14 Ældrūan 652

Days passed as the travelers marched north through the dark forest, snow drifting lightly through the umbrage of the trees above.

Alídor, 15 Ældrūan 652

On the second day from Avàhrlyn they came to a clearing where small cottages stood pristine beneath an even blanket of white snow. Moving closer, shapes in the snow were found to be Eylfāe, cut and frozen in the village roads and doorways. White-eye noticed that the area was covered with a glow of magic, but did not mention this to her Eylfāe companions as they searched through the town’s center. Standing near a central fire-pit, stood an Anàhlāri woman in a gray winter robe. Mishara moved forward to talk with her. She introduced herself as Ezrèle, last of Varálar. She told of how Yrūn had come to the town and slaughtered its residents while she hid. Mishara offered the woman a consoling embrace and slipped the night-black cloak around her. During this moment, White-eye noticed a flash of magic from the two but made no comment. Mishara staggered a moment, clutching his head as his world began to reel. The woman looked at him with concern, and asked that he hold her again. He resisted, but not for long. She led him toward a nearby cottage to let him rest, but on the way he staggered twice more, his thoughts and orientation fleeing. Once inside, his cloak dropped from his body and circled the woman. Mishara saw a silhouetted hand and dagger rise in the doorway and cut down into the woman’s back. The woman howled with a deep guttural sound, slashing forward with what appeared to be a lions paw. Outside, Cadàlya summoned barbs of light which streamed from his staff and fingers while Illàrzur fired into the doorway with his bow. Before Mishara could produce the notched-sword Shakal, the woman was on the ground transforming back to her proper state. As the lamia reverted, those outside saw the cottage roofs and walls decay to their natural ruined condition. The bodies of the slain Eylfāe vanished as the illusion faded with the lamia’s life. Mishara stumbled from the house clutching his head, he had escape injury during the encounter, but something remained terribly wrong.

Kændor, 16 Ældrūan 652

Traveling through the Grim Drūden.

Malídor, 17 Ældrūan 652

When a range of mountains appeared to the North and East, Cadàlya explained that they were entering the Valley of Ardùwū. This was the first landmark they’d seen since leaving Avàhrlyn to show that they were heading in the correct direction. At camp that night, White-eye noticed a glow beyond distant trees. The Grūmun felt a wrongness from the magic and so woke her fellow travelers. After armoring and gathering their weapons, the group moved to the location White-eye had indicated. Mishara shivered as he ran through the woods, his cloak having left without him. Amid the large hillocks and stones that dotted the area lay the tangled body of a pale Eylfāe. Glowing gold blood flowed from wounds in its ivory flesh. Those that looked upon it did not know immediately what the Eylfāe might be but it soon dawned on all that they were gazing upon a dying Sōlàhrāe Eylfārehl. As they neared, vine and root-like tentacles lashed out at the party, raking the newcomers with savage thorns and barbs. Illàrzur was seized by one of the ropy limbs, pulled into the air, and used as a shield against an arrow of Mishara’s. The shadowy Nessus circled the two hillocks and stabbed at the rock-and-dirt mounds from the opposite side. The Grūmun White-eye walked between the two things and began ripping at the roots that bound the dying Eylfārehl to the snowy forest floor. At this, the monsters began whipping the great Grūmun, unwilling to forfeit their gold and ivory prize. The Grūmun groaned under the flailing assault and soon needed to retreat. Arrows and spells fired mercilessly into the mounds until each collapsed into a pile of dirt and stone. Nessus briefly examined the scabrous Mishara and transformed back into a cloak. The monsters dead, the group was able to examine the Sōlàhryn for the first time. As Cadàlya touched its skin, it weakly opened its eyes and a faint golden light shone upon her. Everyone present exchanged inquiring glances as a voice spoke into their minds, begging them take him to Arkìrūn. Though no directions were given, each could feel themselves being pulled into the distant North.

After applying bandages to its wounds, the injured Grūmun tore the last tentacle from the Sōlàhryn’s body and hefted it onto her shoulder. The battle was done. They returned to the campsite to ready themselves for the long journey ahead.

Continued in Eternal Arkìrūn.


  • Mishara Mythdaras
  • Cadàlya Asmural
  • Ezrèle: killed
  • Mar’yeel
  • Nessus
  • Illàrzur Sùlvynar
  • llydphryl Nyllyraz
  • White-eye

Played: 14 Aug 1999; Thanks to Katherine, Kyle, Steve, and Teresa for their help breathing life into the NPCs!