The Rim Folk
Twisted denizens of the Dream Rim that search endlessly along the clay flats for the sustaining golden Nectar. Shurn are similar to Urdar in frame and build but their skin is rough and broken and their blank eyes glow yellow and orange in the twilight. Shurn are expert hunters and are renown throughout the Rim for their masterwork daggers, spears, and chains. The Shurn live in rifts and along the walls of the Escarpment and the Edge. The Shurn seem immune to the Living Waters of Dream.
Travelers from the Waking World often compare the Shurn to Urdar. The Shurn have a similar size and build to the Waking Urdar, but the similarities end there. The dark blue-skinned Shurn stand almost two and half feet tall with slight builds, thin arms and spidery fingers that end in points. Their skulls are long, protruding beyond the slope of their shoulders. The Shurn have no ears to speak of though the skin on the side of their heads forms a taut membrane that works like an eardrum. These tympanums are typically mottled or freckled with a color that contrasts the skin. The most striking feature of the Shurn are their wide featureless eyes which glow with the hue of collected light. When a Shurn is angry or stressed their eyes shine brightly.
The Shurn live in small communities that offer the security of numbers. Gatherers however, often set off alone across the clay flats to avoid the attention that might be attracted by larger groups. Shurn gatherers may travel alone for dozens of cycles before returning to their communities. All Shurn seem to have an deeply ingrained work ethic and never waste time with activities that are not productive. They do not seem have celebrations or rituals of any kind. Although the Shurn recognize a divine Creator, they do not seem to have any established religion or dogma regarding it.
The culture of the Shurn is very simple. There are three roles which comprise each community. The first role is that of the Gatherers. These are the individuals that scour the clay flats searching for the sustaining Nectar of the Dream. Gatherers collect the Nectar in crystal vials and return it to the community. The second role are the Breeders. Breeders are exclusively female and it is their job to give birth and rear children. Sterile or childless females may also be Gatherers. The third role of Shurn communities is Child. It is the duty of Children to maintain the communities and at later ages to learn either the Breeder of Gatherer roles. Shurn childhood lasts eleven years.
There is no evidence of government, religion, or crime among the Shurn. Everyone seems to know their role and does it to the best of their ability.
The Shurn speak a rambling babbling language that is incomprehensible to Yrūn ears. Magics must be employed to understand the strange tongue.