Bal Gaylahra


The Bal Gaylahra are mammoth ungulates that roam the continents of Tassèrus and Vulmùra. Fossilized Bal Gaylahra skeletons (unmistakable due to their size) have been found elsewhere, but are believed to have been hunted to extinction by early Ortòri hunting parties in the Second Age. Walker tusks that were once highly prized by chieftains and kings are now unavailable due to protections given by the Eylfāe and Sha’al.


A full-grown adult bull can reach 120 feet in length; females can reach 100 feet. Bal Gaylahra have six legs and feet. They are able to lift the front third of their bulk upon their rear four legs, to access treetops, mount females, or stamp victims.

Bal Gaylahra calve similarly to cows.


Walkers do not frighten easily. Most predators give them a wide berth. Mostly, the Bal Gaylahra are completely peaceful, enraged only when their young are threatened or to otherwise protect the herd. The beasts seem unconcerned by strangers in their midst, though calves are often moved elsewhere. Strangers that persist in following the young may be threatened or attacked.


Walkers are herd animals. They graze as they move.


Bal Gaylahra seem to communicate with grunts and limited body language. Their deep throaty grunts have been reported to send vibrations through the skeletons of frailer species. The beasts are capable of a deafening howl that alerts the herd to danger. When other walkers join-in with the howl, a stampede usually follows.


Bal Gaylahra have no religion.


All species of Bal Gaylahra have an innate ability to drain magic from their surroundings. The details of this aura are not well understood, for obvious reasons. The Sha’ala believe that they are responsible for recycling magic, i.e., collecting stray or expended magics from the Tapestry and channeling them back into the world. Magicians have been flummoxed by this effect for ages.