These are characters that have appeared in the Oðári Tales.
- Adāe retired (LiamH)
- Alcèrra Nàdrelan retired (TeresaL)
- Callain (MikeD)
- Dammon Shroudson (KyleM)
- Feyd the Mason indentured (LesW)
- Fyrgol (KevinR)
- Gældor of Nyn deceased (DaveM)
- Jak of Cænden (SteveZ)
- Kaithah Argentale deceased (SarahR)
- Malyn deceased (TeresaL)
- Mishara Mythdaras departed (ChrisC)
- Saldus Greymane departed (TeresaL)
- Tressta Drynsval (SarahR)
- Zildara of Zalan (SarahZ)
Here are some guidelines for Character Creation.