
If you were to push the ladder along the cabinet row until it jams in the old track below the bust of Orvud Skarçard II, and if you were then to climb the old ladder to the fifth shelf from the top so that you could balance yourself on his head and reach as far as you could, you might be able to reach a curious unmarked volume–if you knew that it was there. Though its unadorned cover is finely crafted, its binder did not see fit to mark the spine or leaves with a title. Now a layer of dust down has settled on the tome and no-one pulls it from its place. If the librarians only knew where the misfiled book waited, they’d be able to answer requests for a volume that includes all entries from Pha through Pho.

Pronunciation Key: PH (soft f = fire, fold, phalanx)


  • Phaejin; Unkn. (rf. Phaejin)
  • Phaeridou; Unkn. (rf. Phaeridou)
  • phardòra /ˈfɑɹˌdʊɹ.ə/; Dek. Phardòra is a noxious rising vapor produced by fire spirits. Because the vapor itself is non-flammable, and retains heat for long periods (i.e., days) it is an ideal gas for dirigibles. Breathing concentrated phardòra is often fatal. In normal concentrations it burns the eyes and linings of the nose and throat.
  • Phlōgòstrū; Dek. (rf. Phlōgòstrū)
  • pholom; APan. Fire.