

“They crawl from the disremembered depths of the world where the roots of Dru Irígrim still hold fast to primordial pools. Their sinuous forms exude a bestial rage, their minds incapable of civilized thought. As the loathsome Skral are to the Dwürden, so are Drol the antipodean likeness of the Yrūn. These abominable misanthropes seek their quarry among the weak and unwary, seizing their quarry under cover of darkness, and dragging them to unhallowed places where they can be remade into the original image.” – Cegùdōs of Nōgùzgrōmr, Gnor Taxonomist

There is no love for the Drol. The first accounts of these Odárad on the World of Teréth End coincided with the initial appearance of Yrūn upon the Land of Lyrast. Unlike the Yrūn however, the Drol emerged “from the pores of the earth”, in all places at once. Since that time, the Drol have been a problem for all the world’s inhabitants, preying upon the hapless, the weak, and the infirm. While these creatures may seem indiscriminate, their prey of choice remain the Yrūn. Many non-Yrūn races have theorized that the Drol are a sub-race of Yrūn, warped by the same energies (i.e., Od) that grant the Dwürden Nar their sight and variations. Most Yrūn scholars dispute this theory.


Drol appear as hairy simians with scales on their heads, back, arms, and legs. Arm hair begins below the elbows, while leg hair begins below the knee. Many Drol knuckle-walk while moving through the tunnels of the Underearth. It is unclear whether this stooped form of movement is anatomical, or due to their cramped environment. Standing upright, Drol are similar in height and proportions to Yrūn, though their arms tend to be longer. Drol have large sensitive ears that they use to find their prey.

Drol are fearful predators, aided by their clawed hands and impressive strength. The most infamous of the Drol’ weapons is the nauseating stench that they produce. Dissected Drol have been found to contain a row of scent glands along each lateral line of their torso (i.e., from the armpit to the hip). These glands produce an invisible noxious cloud around the Drol when they are a) agitated, b) stressed, or c) killed. Drol are immune to the nauseating effects of this scent due to racial anosmia. An average Drol, can only use these glands once per day.


Drol are bestial. They seem to have little capacity for empathy or reasoning. Captured Drol have shown a complete disregard for their own well-being, choosing to gnaw themselves free of fetters rather than be restrained. Confined Drol will often beat themselves into unconsciousness trying to break through walls or bars. The troglodytic Drol seem to prefer the confines of small underground tunnels. Removal from their preferred environment causes a persistent state of panic.

Though animalistic, Drol are not without guile. Drol are expert at trap making, ambush, and stealth. How groups of Drol are able to communicate and coordinate these activities is uncertain.


Very few scholars have had the opportunity to observe Drol for any length of time. They have been observed to hunt and travel in groups, though it is unclear how those groups are formed.


Drol are incapable of normal speech or reading.


Although Drol are not known to follow Gods, though many associate them with the Dweller Beneath.


Drol are not known to command magics of any kind. Some however, are believed to have magic resistance. The nature of their resistance is uncertain.


Drol are not appropriate player characters.


The basic template for Drol characters is -26 CPs. This template includes:


  • Health +1 (BASp15) 10
  • Affliction (Stench) +2 (BASp35) 801
  • Arm ST +2 (BASp40) 10
  • Claws: Blunt — (BASp42) 3
  • Damage Resistance: Tough Skin +1 (BASp47) 3
  • Dark Vision — (BASp47) 25
  • Flexibility — (BASp56) 5
  • Talent (Drol) +1 (BASp89) 5
  • Ultrahearing — (BASp94) 5
  • Perks: Fur — (BASp101) 1

BASp89 Talent (Drol): Includes the skills: Brawling (BASp182), Climbing (BASp183), Gesture (BASp198), Jumping (BASp203), Stealth (BASp222), and Survival (Underearth) (BASp223)
1 BASp35 Affliction; 20 pts (Base, 2 Levels) +50% (Retching) +100% (Area Effect, 4 yd radius) +40% (Persistent) +150% (Sense-Based: Smell) -40% (Limited Use, 1/Day or Death) = 80 pts

Total = 147 CPs


  • Intelligence -3 (BASp15) -60
  • Appearance: Ugly — (BASp21) -8
  • Innumerate — (BASp140) -5
  • Low Empathy — (BASp142) -20
  • Mentality Meta-Trait: Wild Animal — (BASp263) -30
  • Nocturnal — (BASp146) -20
  • Non-Iconographic — (BASp146) -10
  • No Sense of Smell / Taste — (BASp146) -5
  • Social Stigma: Monster — (BASp155) -15

Total = -173 CPs


A selection from the following template options are appropriate.


  • Brachiator — (BASp41) 5
  • Catfall — (BASp41) 10
  • Magic Resistance +3 (BASp67) 15


  • Beserk — (BASp124) -10
  • Semi-Upright — (BASp153) -51
  • Stress Atavism: Severe — (BASp157) -20
  • Weakness: Very Common (Sunlight) — (BASp161) -102
  • Quirk: Physical (Bowlegged) — (BASp165) -1

1 BASp153 Semi-Upright; Very common disadvantage among subterranean Drol
2 BASp161 Weakness; 20 pts (Base, 1d per minute) -50% (Fatigue Only) = 10 pts

Nomenclature: Drol Dekàlic: Drol (race), Drolàri (pertaining to), Drolyn (individual), Drolyr (multiple)