

In the shadows high above the library, a network of walkways extend through the darkness between the giant moorings of great iron chandeliers. Ages ago, young boys were used to ferry skins of oil along these lofty avenues. At each mooring they would descend the great chains to refill and rekindle the countless lanterns that once burned like constellations high above the library floor. The librarians and scribes were not infrequently interrupted by the need to remove a fallen oyler, or to replace furniture and book shelves destroyed by their demise. Nothing was done until thieves were discovered among the oylers. When they were finally removed from the Temple, the lanterns went dark one by one until the great vaulted ceilings of the subterranean library disappeared. All of the thieves were removed but one, who may have escaped but for one fatal misstep. Before coming to her final rest on the library floor, the thief destroyed a lectern upon which lay an open book that included all entries from Fa through Fr.

Pronunciation Key: F (soft f = friend), FV (soft fv = f & v; combine “feel” and “veal”; common sound in Dwürden and Oðic)


  • fal (fahl) /fɑl/; Dwür./OOð. Hill. pl. -en /ɛn/
  • Faldir (FAHL dihr) /’fɑl.dɪɹ/; OOð. Member of the Vullinshrith Cabal.
  • Morén Burdrul (FAHL ehn BUHR drul); OOð./Dek. The Fractured Hills.
  • Morén Nōdrul (FAHL ehn NO druhl); OOð./Dek. The Black Hills.
  • Fal Goddon (FAHL GOD dohn); OOð./Dek. Holy mound within the Theocracy of Danok where the first visions were received by mortals. Location of the holy spring bearing the same name.
  • Fal Moradem (FAHL mohr AH dehm); 1. OOð./Dek. A location in the Morén Burdrul where a town of Roð-Ættràkar followers once stood in the 2nd century DR; 2. Area surrounding Kry Moradem.
  • Falkwell, Edimar (FAHLK wehl); Oðári Tales. Pal. ( – ) Dark-skinned performer who captained a traveling troupe of entertainers (rf. Edimar Falkwell).
  • Falkwell’s Players (FAHLK wehls); Pal. A traveling musical/theatrical troupe from Palda who performed in Oð in early 652 DR before their untimely deaths in the Barrens (rf. Awlyn, Danoç, Falkwell, and Theom).
  • Fallar (FA lahr); Oð. ( -652 DR) A thief of Darshshell who was a follower of Ferret up until the time of his death, during the Cænden Massacre. Aunda still curses his name.
  • Fal Tembràndom (FAHL tehm BRAYN dohm); 1. OOð./Dek. Hill of the Two Brothers; 2. Lair of the Goblin Queen. (see more)
  • Falterdark, Vias (VI ahs FAHL tehr dahrk); Oð. ( – ) Proprietor of Falterdark’s Tavern.
  • Falterdark’s Tavern (FAHL tehr dahrks); Oð. A dim and peaceful tavern on the south Perimeter of Oð’s Temple Square.
  • Fal Ðurkan (FAHL THUHR kahn); 1. OOð./Dek. Mound of Tears; 2. Location of shrine to Roð-Ðurkan; 3. Wooded hill in central Loston where Ðurkan is believed to have wept over the broken plow; the well water of the shrine is thought to be blessed on holy days.
  • Falwürd (FAHL wuhrd); Murd. Language of the Dwürden Fal.
  • Falyard; Oð. Sub-section of the Naryard that rests atop the wards hills.
  • Farsh, Cærad (KAYR ahd fahrsh); Oð. ( – 652 DR) A bridge-guard of Cænden and friend-associate of Jak who was found eviscerated preceding the Cænden Massacre. His gruesome death has been blamed on Aunda the Torturer.
  • Farthshædth’s Stout Festhall and Inn (FAHRTH shaydths); 1. Oð./Trade. Festive beer hall at Dreg’s Brewery; 2. Hat’s base of operations in the City of Oð.
  • Fat Man, The; Trade. ( – ) An influential underground figure in the City of Oð. He has reportedly been under contract to be killed by theMerchants’ Guild, the Poisoners, and the Derékaln for almost a decade. Many believe that he is long dead and that his close associates continue his operations.
  • Fælō, Joçim (WO kem FAYL lo); Oðári Tales. Oð. (616- DR) A farmer who lives just beyond the congestion of northern Oð (rf. Joçim Fælō).
  • Fælō, Minureal (MIHN urhr E ahl FAYL lo); Oð. ( -651 DR) Daughter of Joçim, who died of sudden illness probably related to the curse.
  • Færrel, Æshber (AYSH behr FAYR rehl); Oð. ( – ) Kryr Shùrulm messenger that accompanied Mishara Mythdaras toward Ōddon but was separated near the Sulsàdter due to a Neðérim attack, and killed later that evening in the Elmark by bandits.
  • Færren (FAYR rehn); Oð. A farming community north of the City of Oð; considered to be one of the last towns before leaving northward from the city environs. The area of Farren is marked with hillside sheep farms, working shepherd dogs, and low stone walls.
  • Feerd (ferd); Oð. A pauper kingdom within the Sulsàdter.
  • Fellis Port (FEHL lihs); OOð./Trade. A small tabby-walled fishing town along the west shore of Argud’s Sound.
  • Feltan (FEHL than); 1. Unkn. A small god of Jædð; 2. God of trees, roots, and artifacts that are hidden in the earth.
  • Felze (fehl-zeh); Oð. ( – ) Chamberlain of Kry Ōddon.
  • Fennel (FEHN nehl); OOð. ( – ) Farren farmer who was present at the Urdar spring house torture and killing.
  • fer (fehr); Dek. Fist. [-en pl.]
  • Fergus (FEHR guhs); Oð. ( – ) One of three robbers that ambushed, robbed, and bludgeoned Dammon Shroudson in the Naryard on 12 Tolth 652 DR.
  • Ferret (FEHR eht); Oð. ( -652 DR) A renegade thief whose band was responsible for the interrogation and death of Cogham of Mothsmire, the murder of several Cænden people, including the execution of Jak the Elder. Ferret was later killed by Jak the Red during the Cænden Massacre. Ferret is believed to have used the alias Elsun Scarlet.
  • Fertile Coast; Trade. (rf. Fertile Coast)
  • Feyd (fad); OOð. ( – ) Rogue that was forced into a year’s service service as an apprentice stone mason at the keep of Endren the Brave.
  • Feyr (fayr); OOð. A hybrid of Mortal and Ethereal denizens.
  • Feyri (FAY re); 1. OOð. Race of the sidhe (rf. Feyri); 2. Language of the Feyri.
  • feyrul (FA ruhl); Fey. (rf. Feyrul)
  • Fiery Isthmus; Trade. (rf. Fiery Isthmus)
  • Fiery Wench Tavern; Trade. A small two-room tavern in the marsh-town of Cænden named after a witch that was burned circa 412 DR, rather than the wife of the original proprietor as is popularly believed. The tavern was recently owned by Jarda Keeper until his murder by thieves during the Cænden Massacre. The small tavern is currently maintained by his apprentice Rayn Rumm.
  • Fillim, Corrus (KOHR ruhs FIHL lihm ); Acen. ( – ) Lone adult male survivor of a gypsy group that was routed in the Nar Drūden on 15 Drûr 652 DR, after having two fingers punitively removed by Dammon Shroudson; following this maiming, Corrus fled into the forest.
  • Firebead; Trade. An orange and red precious stone found on the Fiery Isthmus used with Draga Phlōgòstrū.
  • First War, The; Trade. A legendary war fought between the Hundred Gods.
  • Flartan (FLAHR tayn); Sar. ( -652 DR) Saránði soldier killed in Ēgùlðar’s Rest on 9 Vulūne 652 DR.
  • Flender (FLEHN dehr); OOð. ( – ) Soldier assigned to help find the caravan of Ettegus Tolvor.
  • Floddin (FLOHD dihn); Hal. ( – ) Subject of Halver folklore that lived near Dreg’s Brewery. Floddin was scalped for the treasure map tattooed to his head, but the bandits could not find the gold for they couldn’t orient their round flap of map.
  • flog (flohg); Murd. Lava.
  • Flogwürn (FLOHG wuhrn); Murd. Language of the Dwürden Flog.
  • Forgotten Place, The; Trade. Lower Streets of the City of Oð.
  • Foulstern, Ogimir; Oðári Tales. Trade. (601-653 DR) (rf. Ogimir Foulstern)
  • Foulwart, Peraden (PEHR ah dehn); Oð./Trade. ( – DR) A Poisoner watchman who was present at the 5 Lanal 652 DR assault on Bugaven’s Feast and Sleep.
  • Four, The; Trade. Yrūn reference to the Ortòri pantheon. (rf. Cults of the Ortor)
  • Fraad (frad); 1. Unkn. A small god of Jædð; 2. God of weather.
  • Fractured Hills, The; Trade. (rf. Morén Burdrul).
  • Frenz (frehnz); Ort. (631-653 DR) Ortor scout killed by the company in the Tor’n Evalshat.
  • Frithgenst, Gaelyn (GA lihn FRIHTH gehnst); 1. OOð. ( – DR) Halvarel of Kaithah Argentale; 2. A magician of the Silverwood.
  • Fromdotter, Tamlana (tahm LAH nah FROHM doht tehr); Murd. ( – DR) A Dwürden Fal woman of Erhet who owns and runs a leather craft shop in the center of town.