
The history of Teréth End is measured in Ages. The First Age (1/1 – 1/5103 ER) witnessed the rise of the Dwürden Hearts and the arrival of the inimical Eylfāe. The Second Age (2/1 – 2/2421 ER) heralded the rise of lesser races, e.g., the Sha’al, the Gnor, and the Zultàya. In the Third Age (3/1 – 3/4824 ER), a crowded world made way for the most prolific of races, the Yrūn. Finally, in the Fourth Age (4/1 – 4/2457+ ER), a mature world began to show its age, with races and empires clashing, and preparing to settle ancient grievances once and for all. Many historians speculate that a Fifth Age (5/1+ ER) will dawn when the wars of the past have settled, and a single victor will emerge from the dust and blood of countless battlefields. Whether this champion will be comprised of a single race, or a closely knit alliance has yet to be seen.


  • Ænjon of Roð (7th century DR, Oð): Artifacts, Religion
  • Dorom the Elder (5th century HK, Oð): General
  • Karvras of Dolor (2nd century DR, Oð): Art
  • Verid (Dekàlan): Magic