

The doors to the Iron Library are closed on Roðite holy days so that its workers and visitors may properly observe the required obligations and feasts of the Temple. On these days, the librarians visit each area and ring a bell to signal the impending time. Following the third sounding of the bells the oil lines are closed and the lanterns go dark. The great doors are shut, bolted, and locked, often to the distant cries of those who tarried and have become lost in the subterranean darkness. There are many stories of curious things that have been found when the lights were returned days later. Those that survive to tell of their experiences describe awful things moving through the blackness, monstrous things that silence the screams of that lightless place. Though many whisper the presence of Gru, the Forge maintains that those creatures cannot enter holy ground. The librarians agree to this, but believe otherwise, as they gather the abandoned books and clean the empty carrels of the missing. Staying until the third bell is not worth reading one more page of a volume that includes all entries from Va through Vy.

Pronunciation Key: V (soft v = vane, vein, vine)


  • vadar; Dek. A murderer.
  • Valda, Lord; OOð. A popular figure in the City of Oð, made famous by his near-seasonal expeditions in the Goblin Lands. Many return from Valad’s campaigns with gold in their purses, remuneration for the goblins they kill (One talas per head).
  • Valànya; Dek. (rf. Valànya the Giver)
  • Valara; Eyl. Abandoned Eylfāe community in southern Ardùwū where Mishara met the lamia.
  • Valeden; OOð. Rolling green rural community north of the City of Oð, renown for its wineries. (see also Shandal’s)
  • Valley of Bones; Trade. An area of interest to the north of City of Oð. (rf. Deephold)
  • Valsadalareun; Eyl. Nehkrul Neylfèrahl magistrate who ruled over Oð during the first century Occupation.
  • Valus ur Saldus; Oðári Tales. 1. OOð. (636- DR) Son of Saldus Greymane who joined the company to find Tolvor’s lost caravan in 653 DR; 2. An aspiring musician of Botton Liche.
  • Valzard, Ezíkus; OOð. (599- DR) Older priest of Roð who accompanied group through the Tor’n Evalshat in search of Ettegus Tolvor.
  • Varalar; 1. Tirg. A ruined village to the north of Avahrlyn which became the lair of Ezrele the Lamia; 2. Place where the streams flow together.
  • Varassa; OOð. A pauper kingdom within the Sulsàdter.
  • Vardeth; Oð. Ghûl encountered by Dammon Shroudson in Cenotaph.
  • Varnt; OOð. A pauper kingdom within the Sulsàdter.
  • Varst; Jad. Intelligent blue and violet watch hounds. (rf. Varsti)
  • Vast Untamed; Oð. Large wilderness near City of Æzàlari.
  • Vaul; OOð. Farren farmer who was present at the Urdar spring house torture and killing.
  • Vazallor; 1. Dek. The Orádra receipt of knowledge from reservoirs of truth; 2. Vazallor Orádra
  • væl; OOð. A vale.
  • vældyrim (vayl DYHR ihm); 1. Dek. Touched by god, a saint; 2. An individual that is honored as a representative of a Dekàlan god or Aspect.
  • Vdr.; Dek. Abbreviation for vældyrim.
  • Veldur; OOð. Doloran peasant present at the Cenotaph cemetery.
  • Vereç; Dek. One sirkūla of the sirkūlī dragàdir.
  • Velorn; OOð. A pauper kingdom within the Sulsàdter.
  • Verid; Dek. A Dekàlan era historian who studied and documented the Circles and their arts.
  • Verren; Dek. The eighth month of the year. The second month of autumn. (rf. Vulūne)
  • verres; Dek. Vast.
  • Vindin; OOð. Archer of Kryr Shùrulm volunteered by the Captain of the Arrow to aid in clearing the borough of Cenotaph of its Ghûl problem.
  • Viray Syldar; Unkn. City of wondrous things; medium city on the western coast of Teréðor believed to be the home of machines and clocks.
  • Visháshūn (vysh AH shoon); 1. AÆza. (rf. Oð: Lower Streets: Visháshūn); 2. Name of region between the Waking World and the Nether. (rf. Uçor, Tormòlis)
  • Vispin; OOð. Jaris drunkard thief who frequents the Red Cock.
  • Vodtin; 1. Dek. The Blinded Lady Aspect of Irāyn. (rf. Vodtin the Judge)
  • vor; Dek. Veil, curtain.
  • vorgòstra; Dek. The form of matter which separates the Worlds.
  • vorros; Dek. A collection of instructions.
  • Vullinshrith; OOð. A distant community nestled in the northern Morén Nōdrul. The town is dominated by large foundries that stand abandoned among the surrounding valleys.
  • Vullinshrith Cabal; Oð. A small group of addled peasants that adopted Dammon Shroudson as the focus of their efforts in 652 DR.
  • Vulmùra; Acen. (rf. Vulmùra)
  • Vulmùran Sea; Oð. Central sea bordering three continents; Lyrast, Vulmùra, and Tassèrus.
  • Vulture Isle; Oð. A small island off the north point of Lord’s Island.
  • Vulūne; Dek. The eighth month of the year. The second month of autumn. (rf. Verren)
  • vylpær; 1. Dek. A fox; 2. Someone who is crafty like a fox.