Kyrm Oryrul

High Temple of War

Within a cavern inside Wyrðyr Tor lies Kyrm Oryrul, the Cult of Īrul’s high temple. The massive cavern contains a number of large chambers, thousands of smaller rooms, miles of tunnels, underground rivers, and hidden lakes.



Crypt of Sulyel

The grandest monument within Kyrm Oryrul is the Sarcophagus of Sulyel. Located in a deep cavern, the stone crypt is built at the center of a tranquil subterranean lake surrounded by thousands of colorful stalactites. The monument can be seen from a number of viewing areas around the lake, but only the Pryr Īrul are permitted to disturb the waters, and only then during days of ceremony. The sarcophagus bears a bas-relief carving of the great warrior lying in repose upon its lid, surrounded by the statues of eight knights. There is some debate whether these “guardians” are truly statues at all.

The Great Hall

The Great Hall is a time capsule of battles fought by the Dekàli Empire. It’s high walls and ceilings are adorned with swords, shields, and pennants from centuries of campaigns throughout the known world. Hundreds of niches along the high walls are filled with the sarcophagi of fallen commanders and heroes.