Grazzad’s Command

Maran 15-16, 653 DR: The group secures the mushroom cavern. An outpost of Ortor are killed as the gate is assaulted by Wards and Cruss’s soldiers. The gate bursts open and the wolves pour in, all but erasing Saldus’ defensive line. Norgus dies in battle, setting the stage for a historic passing. Group hides and rests in the slave cave but are ushered out into a final combat with Grazzad’s command.

Continued from Tunnels of the Ort Bragnar Bar.

Alídor, 15 Maran 653

After exploring the main cavern, a contingent moved into the tunnel Kehen had identified, claiming it led to an old Dwürden stronghold. Moving forward, they overheard Ortors arguing. Sending for their interpreters, Kehen and Ezíkus agreed that they were agitated and waiting for a signal. As point-man, Norgus led the group through an outer chamber and into the den where four more of the Ortor were killed.

Meanwhile, the rear guard heard howling in the caves beyond, having set-up defenses at the gate. Saldus’s men thrust wedges of the splintered bars under the gate, and fired arrows and bolts in the darkness as they took up position behind the pit. Soon, the caves beyond the gate were filled with the rumbling growls of Wargs who began throwing themselves against the heavy gates. The heavy iron-bound gates buckled under the weight of the giant wolves, and soon one of the door cracked and flew inward. The first wolf charged, howling under a hail of arrows and bolts before falling into the pit. A second and third wolf ran through the gate, circling the pit. Around the left side of the hole, one Warg seized Kerq in his teeth and snapped his neck. Around the other side, another bit at Saldus, but the captain fought back. As Saldus slashed at the giant wolf, he heard Tarpun’s bones snap within the jaws of the other. From the smoke-filled mushroom cavern, lightning lanced through the darkness at Saldus’ beast. Elidir swung her greatsword into the wolf-monster standing above her fallen friends, felling the monster. Norgus and Jak, having run from the forward position, charged into the battle as Saldus crumpled at the pit’s edge. Soon the Wargs were defeated, but the cost had been great. As they bound each others’ wounds word arrived that the Ortor were amassing near the forward point.

As Almus dragged Saldus back into the caverns, Dammon attempted to reseal the battered gate, now twice broken through. As the torch-bearing Ortor appeared on the gate’s far side, Mishara and Jak fired through the arrow slits, killing more of the Ortor as they advanced from the depths. Norgus insisted that Dammon let him through to fight the monsters and the magician relented. Soon the barbarian warrior charged back through the gate and dispatched each Ortor that neared him. Then the hunters arrived. Two large chagkra-wielding Ortor raced forward. Norgus yelled that they would not take him but as Jak and Elidir joined him on the gate’s far side. They arrived in time to see one Ortor hunter cut the warrior to his knees while the other drove the axe-blade deep into the man’s skull. Elidir and Jak fought fiercely against the Ortor hunters, aided by Dammon’s Lāllan’s Lightning lightning, and Mishara’s deadly points. Even Tressta, wary of combat, joined the melee and was able to slide her rapier into the side of an Ortor hunter. Soon, they too were heaped upon the floor, and death was heavy in the smoky air.

The bodies of friends and enemies both were dragged back through the gate so that Dammon could seal it a third time. Three meaty broths were found among the Ortor hunters, and after the magician divined their Hala magics, they were given to the wounded. Once everyone was readied, the group returned to the slave quarters, a cramped cave filled with rotting hides and boiling pots. The slaves were already gathered there, sitting and sleeping, oblivious to the battles outside that would determine their fate. Stones were gathered throughout the caverns to build a wall and arrow slit in the tunnel leading back to the slaves’ room. Once secured, they sat and waited for the next wave that they were sure would come.

Kændor, 16 Maran 653

A day (or so it seemed) passed, and many under the ministrations of Ezíkus and Almus felt a little better. Saldus awakened again and was told of the battles and the men that had been lost. Of seven that started with him on this quest, three remained; Elidir the swordswoman, Gællus their leader, and Flender who remained incapacitated from the first venture into these caverns. These men had been hand-picked for this mission, he wondered if his own company would have fared much better.

Mishara, who had been keeping vigil at the makeshift wall, called for their magician. Dammon came forward. The Eylfāe had killed an Ortor scout who had wandered near their wall. They were being sought out, the next wave of soldiers could not be far away. Soon another scout came down the tunnel, and seeing his comrade yelled and turned to flee but arrows took his life too. Dammon’s Conscience wandered out into the caverns beyond and reported confusion among the dozen or so Ortor gathered there. He reported an elder among them, dressed in rags and beads who slapped and barked commands at two subordinates who in turn ushered the others to do the old Ortor’s will. Dammon guessed that this was the Ortor wizard Grazzad that Kehen had spoken of, the commander of the Ort Bragnar Bar forces within the Dwürden stronghold. As they waited behind their wall, the Ortor began dragging wood and mushroom heads toward the tunnel to build a bonfire, while others stood around with cloaks and hides and fan the smoke. When the fire was burning brightly and high and the smoke began curling into the tunnel, Dammon summoned a fierce wind that howled through the cave, upsetting the fire and sending flaming lumber and mushrooms out into the cavern. The Ortor fanning the flames and smoke screamed and fled, rolling and patting at their burning clothes. Grazzad rubbed his chin. Until this time, no one had reported a Weaver among the invaders. Soon, a breeze wound its way to Dammon and Mishara’s position. From the wind a voice emerged, speaking in Oðic “You will not escape this cave alive”.

Seeing that the Yrūn invaders had been willing to risk so much to save slaves of their own kind, Grazzad’s next order was to bring three Yrūn slaves forward. The invaders could not possibly know how many were in the cavern. The first was brushed down with a rag soaked in lamp oil and animal fat. The trembling slave was lit on fire and forced at sword point to run screaming down the tunnel toward the invaders, trying to draw them out to save their kin. The first man sent burning and screaming down the tunnel yelled out in Oðic. Mishara’s arrows dropped him in the corridor just outside their wall. A second Yrūn was sent in, he too screaming and yelling in Oðic for someone to help, but he never reached the makeshift wall, succumbing to his burns some twenty feet away. A third Yrūn dropped to the ground screaming and pleading in a foreign tongue. Dammon’s Conscience explained that the slave had not been set aflame, but after some kicks and stabs was dragged away.

Those in the slaves’ cave decided that it was time to act. Dammon reported that in the cave beyond there were between two and four Ortor watching their tunnel and that the wizard Grazzad was in the cavern behind that. The group disassembled the stone wall and sneaked toward the first cave. Tressta with her Cloak of Shadows clung to the wall, carrying the cavern’s darkest shadows with her. As Jak appeared an Ortor arrow struck the wall near him. Tressta ran her rapier into a waiting Ortor guard, feeling hot arterial blood upon her hands. Her victim crumpled to the floor with a low whimper, but Jak had to charge the second and it fell screaming and convulsing to the ground.

When the remainder of the invading group came forward and it became obvious that this might be their last stand. Tressta dodged out of the cave and slipped into the smaller caves ahead. Jak stepped out into the smoke filled cavern of burning pots and heavy headed mushrooms. Many Ortor figures lurked in the room, but most distant was a hump-backed looking figure that might be the elder Dammon had mentioned. Jak charged through the room with his Ðard sword in hand. As he raised the sword to swing at the Ortòri wizard, one of his bodyguards slashed at Jak, drawing blood from his side. Jak swung at the sneering elder Ortor, and missed. Grazzad yowled from something biting him from behind, but it did not sway his concentration. As Dammon, Elidir, and Gællus emerged from the cave entrance, a magical storm of icy shards ripped into clothes, armor, and flesh. Mishara too was caught in this storm. Gællus collapsed into bloody pile, the fifth of Rott’s contingent to fall. The surrounding Ortor advanced from the smoky cavern and began hacking savagely at the invaders. Dammon suffered a bad wound from an Ortor’s chagkra before Saldus waded forward and finished the creature.

Grazzad conjured an orb of flame which leaped toward Jak, but the spear-man deftly dodged beneath it as other Ortor slashed at him. One of the Ortor struck at something on the ground, but didn’t seem to hit anything. Grazzad yelled again. Lightning barbs burned through the air and arrows followed soon afterward. In moments, the old Ortor dropped to one knee, cursing the Yrūn invaders before crumpling forward. Grazzad’s lackeys fought hard but could not take Jak down. Elidir raced forward to help him, and together they finished the guards.

In a side cave Tressta fought off two burnt Ortor, stabbing one mortally before the second was fell with an arrow from Mishara’s bow. The battle ended and everyone regrouped in the main cavern. Jak handed Dammon a ring of Vorbid he had pulled from the body of Grazzad. There were now few options left. They could return the way they’d come, rest despite knowledge that Cruss’s forces may still be about, or continue into the Dwürden stronghold to find the High Lord’s message and the remainder of Tolvor’s men. Whichever path they chose was dangerous as all were badly injured and time was of the essence. Dammon’s Conscience reminded him that not all the Ortor found in the cavern accounted for what it had seen earlier in the chamber. Some must have fled during the battle. If any made it back to Cruss the Fat, with news that Grazzad had fallen, then perhaps the wizard would be right.

Continued in The Call of Calsàdor.


  • Dammon Shroudson
  • Jak of Cænden
  • Mishara Mythdaras
  • Saldus Greymane
  • Tressta Drynsval
  • Cr. Almus of Roð
  • Barzol: killed
  • Bashuf: killed
  • Cruss the Fat
  • Familiar
  • Dûrzuf: killed
  • Elidir ur Saldagir
  • Ettegus Tolvor: unknown
  • Cr. Ezíkus of Roð
  • Flender Orgh
  • Gællus ur Gallon: killed
  • Ghothûmb: killed
  • Grazzad: killed
  • Sgt. Gallus: killed
  • Kehen Churbul
  • Kerq: killed
  • Norgus of Calsàdor: killed
  • Snaroth: killed
  • Tarpun: killed
  • Ushurz: killed
  • Valus ur Saldus

Played: 11 Nov 2000