
The Wild Lands

Tassèrus, ca. 650 DR

Tassèrus, ca. 650 DR

Southern Continent may reveal trackless deserts, impenetrable jungles, vast unsettled grasslands, rocky archipelagos, and lush sub-tropical coastlines.



The inhabitants of the southernmost continent are just as varied. Sand-weathered nomads cross the shifting sands of the Great Esh, moving along long buried roads to hidden springs amid obscured settlements and forgotten ruins. Those able to penetrate the Dreamlands fog, may discover small river towns clinging to the living edges of a deep rain forest. Past the mysterious fog one finds the realms of the taciturn Sha’al, who watch visitors skeptically from their ancient wharves. Further east, the rain forests give way to savannas and the great war towers of Aghkgzar. Here ships pass beneath the inimical watch of the Ortor sentries, forever on guard against their Sha’al neighbors. North again, the land changes from grassland to lush coastline. Here again rise Yrūn settlements, irregular at first but increasing in population as the journey turns west along the continent’s northern shore. Soon, one’s eyes are rewarded by the prosperous Caphári Coast and the bronze-skinned descendants of the ancient Serájarim Empire.

Regions, Geographic


To the East and South of mainland Teréðor is the southern continent of Tassèrus. The people of the land thrive within a vast and extreme landscape. Perhaps nowhere else on the planet do different races exist so closely with one another as the Sha’al and Yrūn of the Dreamlands. The Sleeping Mountains north of these lands are home to Gnor and Hôrks, while the great trackless Esh remains the unforgiving home of nomadic-Yrūn. East and south of the Dreamlands extends the Vast Untamed, homeland of the Ikítikírittìk and Sha’al, from where few Yrūn have ever returned.

Tassèrus is home to two of the largest unbroken biomes on all of Teréth End, the great desert of Esh and the trackless Vast Untamed. Tassèrus is also home to two of the most populous non-Yrūn races on the planet, the reptilian Sha’al and the vile Zrū. The most isolated of the Teréth End continents, Tassèrus is also the least spoiled (though an argument could be made for Teréðor‘s interior) of the continents, owed mainly to the fact that the the interior is undeveloped due to terrain and hostile residents. If that isn’t enough to recommend it, Tassèrus is also home to the longest running war on Teréth End, between the Sha’al and the Ortor.

Some people of Tassèrus include:

  • Eshyr
  • Nōlàndyr
  • Taláryr

Nomenclature: Tasserus Dekàlic: Tassèrus (place), Tassèri (pertaining to), Tassèryn (resident), Tassèryr (people)