Merchant of Death

Vulūne 4, 652 DR. Plans are discussed at the Headless Hag, a well-to-do tavern in the Harbor area of Visháshūn. Arriving at Īkùrul’s compound, the group is admitted without much question.

Continued from The Iron Skulls.

Amdor, 4 Vulūne 652

Arriving at the Headless Hag, the group was admitted across a narrow moat into a waiting chamber. The hostess busied herself moving back and forth between the smoky interior, waiting for an empty table. While waiting, a drunk older woman stumbled into the waiting area and started a conversation with Kulak, introducing herself as Lady Orōna. She seemed especially interested in Kulak’s being a knight, and soon insisted that he meet her friends inside. Kulak obliged and followed her into the large interior dining chamber. Followed by the wounded Tandel, Lady Orōna and Kulak walked to a round table near a central glowing pillar of water where Kulak was introduced to several well-to-do people; Cullùs Muldàryn a businessman, Ferðr Sōcòrun a mine owner, Adamar Waltus a shipbuilder, and Dashara Aldar who was introduced briefly as a member of the Merchants’ Guild. Meanwhile, the remaining group was led to the bar where they were seated, brought frosty mugs of good ale, and began immediately to discuss Ricket’s map. Ciscō and Jacōbus made some mention of the inn’s arrangement, and its lack of guards.

Kulak mentioned Īkùrul as a smuggler, further offending Dashàra Aldar who then excused herself. Adamar asked Kulak many more questions. The group was met by a slender bearded man who introduced himself as Tulmus, that warned them against drawing weapons in the Headless Hag. Tulmus recounted a story for the group of a woman that went to draw her sword and instead clutched her chest and died near the bar. After issuing this warning, Tulmus left. Soon Kulak returned to the group and all left the Headless Hag. Outside, the group found a secluded area and examined Ricket’s map. Ricket told them about all the guards he’d seen in the area beyond the bars, and of the ways he’d found to escape. Ricket explained that the only escape route open to Kulak was through the harbor wall, and down to the beach some sixty feet below. The group continued through the Lower Streets until they finally arrived at the southern-most gate. Tandel explained that they were expected by Īkùrul. Without much hesitation, the guard produced a key in response and opened the gate.

Continued in The Fate of Shalymar.


  • Ciscō Beret
  • Jacōbus Eldren
  • Kaluk of Orynder
  • Perícūlēnna
  • Ricket
  • Tandel
  • Dashàra Aldar (Merchant)
  • Īkùrul (Visháshūni Smuggler)
  • Cullùs Muldàryn (Businessman)
  • Lady Orōna (Drunk Noble)
  • Ferðr Sōcòrun (Mine Owner)
  • Tulmus (Innkeeper, Headless Hag)
  • Adámar Wàltus (Shipbuilder)

Played: Nov – Dec 1998; 11, 18 Jan 1999