The Jædðári Tales revolve around a motley band who, upon discovering a great and ancient secret, find themselves embroiled in a war that has been fought without relent since before Yrūnyr stepped from the Lost Land. It is yet to be determined whether their destiny is to drag all Yrūn into the conflict, or bring it to an end once and for all.
- Call of Parúptanir #26
- The Listeners’ Doom #25
- The Problem with Broken Strings #24
- Flight to Dūn Ngur #23
- The Forest’s Edge Inn #22
- Into the Orb of Dirapzir #21
- Time’s Swift Passage #20
- Strangers in a Strange Land #19
Into the Dreamlands
- Barge to Marádaç #18
- Dangerous Turns #17
- Gardens of Adjàdâr #16
- Voice From Beyond the Veil #15
- The Way to Zembra #14
- The Mound of Izzàradràgulð #13
- Twelve Conspirators #12
- To Kill a Dragul #11
- Sinkhole #10
- The Ring and the Seal #9
- Brawl at the Burning Dog #8
- Secrets of the Sha’al #7
- The Old City #6
- The Thugs of Naztū #5
- The Dreaming City Awaits #4 (3E)
The First Expedition
- The White Caves of Adðrū #3 (HM2)
- Dol Tàzhnur Mèdur #2 (HM2)
- The Sūlùðū Shrines of Sūdul #1 (HM)