
Ugly Thief of Jaris

Dogsbutt earned his nickname early in life when a peer compared his misshapen face to the tail-end of a dog. The ensuing brawl left the commenter scarred and missing some teeth, but the name stuck regardless.

Dogsbutt grew up on the streets of Jaris. He has some memory of his mother but cannot remember ever meeting his father. His mother died one winter when he was young. When the Winter Wagon came by, he hauled her body out into the street and hefted it into the back. His last memory of her was watching the wagon pull away with her arm dangling off the back, “waving” good-bye.

Dirk may have been his childhood name, but he can’t remember for sure. He doesn’t remember ever having a surname. Some that have met Dogsbutt, have commented that he might be a Gorb (i.e., half-Yrūn half-Urdar).



  • ST (base 10, mod +0, cost 0) 10
  • DX (base 10, mod +6, cost 120) 16
  • IQ (base 10, mod +0, cost 0) 10
  • HT (base 10, mod +0, cost 0) 10


  • HP (base 10, mod +0, cost 0) 10
  • Will (base 10, mod +0, cost 0) 10
  • Per (base 10, mod +1, cost 5) 11
  • FP (base 10, mod +0, cost 0) 10
  • Basic SPD (base 6.5, mod +0, cost 0) 6.5
  • Basic MV (base 6.0, mod +0, cost 0) 6.0
  • Thrust (base –, mod –, cost –) 1d-2
  • Swing (base –, mod –, cost –) 1d

Subtotal: 125 points


  • Acute Senses: Acute Hearing (mod +1, cost 2)
  • Acute Senses: Acute Vision (mod +1, cost 2)
  • Flexibility: Double-Jointed (mod –, cost 15)
  • Night Vision (mod +5, cost 5)

BASp291 Traits Gained in Play; no cost

Subtotal: 24 points


  • Appearance: Ugly (mod –, cost -8)
  • Compulsive Behavior: Compulsive Lying (mod –, cost -15)
  • Kleptomania (mod –, cost -15)
  • Quirk (Shorter than average) (mod –, cost -1)
  • Quirk (Bent fingers) (mod –, cost -1)
  • Quirk (Enjoys playing mumbleypeg) (mod –, cost -1)
  • Quirk (TBD) (mod –, cost -1)
  • Quirk (TBD) (mod –, cost -1)

BASp291 Traits Gained in Play; no cost

Subtotal: -43 points


  • Acrobatics DX/H (base 16, mod -2, cost 1) 14
  • Brawling DX/E (base 16, mod +0, cost 1) 16
  • Climbing DX/A (base 16, mod +0, cost 2) 16
  • Escape DX/H (base 16, mod -2, cost 1) 14
  • Gesture IQ/E (base 10, mod +0, cost 1) 10
  • Jumping DX/E (base 16, mod +0, cost 1) 16
  • Lockpicking IQ/A (base 16, mod -1, cost 1) 9
  • Melee/Swords: Knife DX/E (base 16, mod +0, cost 1) 16
  • Pickpocket DX/H (base 16, mod -2, cost 1) 14
  • Shadowing IQ/A (base 10, mod +0, cost 2) 10
  • Stealth DX/A (base 16, mod -1, cost 1) 15
  • Streetwise IQ/A (base 10, mod -1, cost 1) 9
  • Thrown Weapon: Knife DX/E (base 16, mod +1, cost 2) 17
  • Traps IQ/A (base 10, mod +1, cost 4) 11

BASp291 Traits Gained in Play; no cost

Subtotal: 20 points


  • OðicN / Late Oðávar (cost 0) 3|0

BASp291 Traits Gained in Play; no cost
BASp24 Language; Spoken/Written (0) None/Illiterate, (1) Broken/Semi-Literacy, (2) Accented/Literacy, (3) Native/Native

Subtotal: 0 points










  1. NA
  2. NA
  3. NA
  4. NA
  5. NA
  6. NA (126)

    Total Points: 126 earned / 126 spent