Circle of Knives

Thieves Guild of Savris

Sholō turned the coin over in his hand. It was an old piece, poorly hammered, edges gleaming with the polish of centuries. It turned over and over across his palm and fingers. A watch had passed since the sun set and the door had opened twenty-seven times. Twenty had entered. Twenty-six had left. The coin reversed its course, turning end over end across his knuckles. Harmeð was still inside, sitting at his usual table, meeting each new client with a wide smile, honest handshake, and unwavering attentive eyes. Every night he’d record the details of each meeting in the thick ledger that sat on his writing desk. It was called The Book of Souls and its contents were unimpeachable. The fact that it was composed entirely from the memory of one man was never questioned within the Circle. Sholō twisted his wrist and snatched the coin from the air. A familiar silhouette had stepped from the tavern door. The man stopped to look around and then continued west along the Kre Imçaéð wharf. He was cautious but unhurried. Sholō dropped quietly from the rooftop and took a position in an alley along the man’s intended path.

The Circle of Knives is an underground guild that operates on the streets of Savris, Ildûn.




The organization is named for a group of nine figures that once ruled the city’s shadows in the 4th century DR. The influential rise of this guild coincided with the establishment of the Burning Hand Trading Guild in a number of Mar Dèkàli trading ports. Given this connection, it is no surprise that the guild has a Lyrásti influence not found in similar organizations throughout the Old Empire. Some have speculated that the Circle of Knives is actually an international branch of a much larger organization based in the City of Marádū.