

Ynhre sat at his desk with a quill in his bent and crippled hand. He could draw perfect lines between his spasms, for they came upon him like clockwork, one every ten seconds. Each ‘dance’, as he called them, would send him into a brief jerking convulsion, and leave him stunned and blurry-eyed. When the effect wore off, he would draw again, lifting his quill before the next seized him. Ynhre had no love for his art as the chain about his ankles would attest. He sat here in the dim lantern light due to poor choices, and poorer luck. Somewhere above this subterranean purgatory, he had children that were likely grown by now, he had a wife who had remarried, probably more than once, and a mother who promised that she would outlive them all out of spite. But all of those things belonged to his previous life. As a debtor-slave, assigned to Kyrm Oryroð, his only concern was the copying of strange characters from one book into another. Completing this, his fifth book, he wondered again what the words might mean to a literate man. Stretching his bent back, Ynhre let the seizures dance again through his body before closing this volume that included all entries from Ða through Ðy.

Pronunciation Key: TH (hard th = thick, thin), THH (soft th = than, there)


  • ðara; Dek. Knight-like; knightly; chivalric.
  • Ðara; Dek. Title used by knights.
  • Tharad’Zor; OOð. ( – 652 DR) Ghûl wizard of Cenotaph who bargained with Dammon Shroudson for the life of Artana.
  • Ðard; Dek. 1. A knight. pl. -ram
  • Ðardor; Dek. Holy knight. pl. -m
  • ðare; Dek. Three.
  • Ðar’Màral; Dek. The three ladies (e.g., Amra, Dalàsya, and Tyçal).
  • Ðar’am Orynder; Sar. An order of Saránði Ðardram.
  • ðarrul; 1. Dek. A ðard’s sword; bastard sword; 2. Sword-type referred to as the finger of Īrul. Irulites are required by Ummoni Law to wear a ðarrul upon presentations to the priesthood in the Eyes of the Terrible Stranger.
  • Theocracy of Danok; Trade/Oð. Theocracy south of known for its red-robed zealots.
  • Theom; Pald. A master actor, dramatist, poet, and flutist; one of the members of Falkwell’s Players that was killed on the Barrens in early 652 DR.
  • Theora; 1. Unkn. A small god of Jædð; 2. The goddess of ritual magic.
  • thyremdyn dryehl; Nirg. Lightning and thunder.
  • theswur; Tirg. An unorganized club or gathering place for meeting persons with like interests.
  • Theswur Naral Avahrlyn; Tirg. Building in Avahrlyn that serves as a meeting place for Arcane magicians.
  • Theswur Scaradaril; 1. Tirg. Building in Avahrlyn that serves as a meeting place for soldiers; 2. Location from where Mishara Mythdaras left for the City of Nazhalyr in Ældrūan 652 DR.
  • Ðiel the First; Dek. First High Priest of Amra, successor of the High Priestess Teáda I.
  • Thirik; OOð. Scarred thug who assaulted Dammon Shroudson at Leva’s Boarding House in the 652 DR and who later visited him in the dungeons of Kryr Shùrulm seeking an “amulet”.
  • Thojir; OJad. A seedy southern borough of the City of Jædð.
  • Ðoll; Dek. (rf. Circle of Ðoll)
  • Ðor; Dek. Ðardor title
  • Thorst; OOð. 1. A member of the Derékaln who was on loan to Ferret up until his death at the Cændan Massacre.
  • Ðr.; 1. Abbrev. Ðard; 2. Sir (i.e., Ðara Enthor, shortened in Southern Empire to Ðar).
  • Thrakzor the Wanted; Unkn. Nūlēun Vale magician that fashioned the Spinning Ring, found on Worron.
  • Three Stone Spring; Oð. A small spring that bubbles from the ground between three large stones near the hilltop of Joçim Fælō‘s farm. The spring pools inside a natural culvert. A cave once existed at the spring but has been bricked closed, though the locals don’t remember why.
  • Ðrûn; Dek. Legendary barbed spear of Kyrçul the Swallower.
  • Thunderstorm, The; OLan. An old Ummoni opera that retells the final battle and apotheosis of Rûn the Dekàlan.
  • Thurk; OOð. A local Erhet bouncer and thug killed by Nirst Ohlmdamnor during the attack on Bugaven’s Feast and Sleep.
  • Ðurkan the Apprentice; Dek. (rf. Ðurkan the Apprentice)